Joimax EndoLIF

Joimax EndoLIF

EndoLIF cages are designed for both minimally invasive endoscopic and open (PLIF/TLIF) fusion surgery of the lumbar spine to provide surgeons with an optimal treatment method for spinal stabilization.


Endoscopic Spinal Stabilization with EndoLIF

EndoLIF cages are designed for both minimally invasive endoscopic and open (PLIF/TLIF) fusion surgery of the lumbar spine to provide surgeons with an optimal treatment method for spinal stabilization.

Indications for the endoscopic lumbar interbody fusion

EndoLIF Implants stabilize the intervertebral disc space with the aim to support a bony fusion of vertebral bodies in the non-cervical spine. The cages can be implanted minimally invasively via a posterior or posterolateral access. EndoLIF Implants always have to be combined with a dorsal fixation, such as the percutaneous screw-rod-system Percusys Plus by joimax. 

The fusion of vertebral bodies is a final step, nevertheless, this treatment for spinal stabilization can be necessary for the following indication: 

  • Degenerative disc disease 
  • Spondylolisthesis grade I (Meyerding)