Joimax MultiZYTE

Joimax MultiZYTE

MultiZYTE is an instrument set for endoscopic minimally-invasive pain treatment of the facet and sacroiliac joints.


The MultiZYTE Concept

MultiZYTE is an instrument set for endoscopic minimally-invasive pain treatment of the facet and sacroiliac joints. The Set is used within the MultiZYTE Facet and MultiZYTE Sacroiliac methods. The nerve fibers causing pain are identified and selectively treated. The tissue is spared, and muscles and ligaments are prevented from damage. At the same time, surrounding tissue, muscles and ligaments are protected from damage thanks to the endoscopic procedure. This means that the stability of the spine is maintained.

MultiZYTE  Facet

After gentle, minimally-invasive access, the treatment with MultiZYTE Facet involves the removal of hypertrophic and infl amed tissue, opening of the joint capsule, irrigation as well as vaporization of the joint, and the RF ablation of pain-conducting nerves of the medial branch of dorsal ramus.

MultiZYTE  Sacroiliac

The pain treatment of the SIJ Syndrome using MultiZYTE Sacroiliac follows the same basic principle as described for the facet joint treatment. Under endoscopic vision, tissue is removed, the joint capsule is opened bymeans of partial removal of the joint capsule, rinsed and vaporized. The RF ablation at pain-conducting nerves emerging from the sacral foramen and proceeding into lateral direction is performed from 12 o’clock to 6 o’clock at the lateral edge of the foramen.